- Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues: Artificial Immune Systems : 4th International Conference, ICARIS 2005, Banff, Alberta, Canada, August 14-17, 2005, Proceedings 3627 (2005, Paperback) read online DOC, PDF
9783540281757 3540281754 The two-volume set LNCS 3644 and LNCS 3645 constitute the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2005, held in Hefei, China, in August 2005.The program committee selected 215 carefully revised full papers for presentation in two volumes from over 2000 submissions, based on rigorous peer reviews. The first volume includes all the contributions related with perceptual and pattern recognition, informatics theories and applications computational neuroscience and bioscience, models and methods, and learning systems. The second volume collects the papers related with genomics and proteomics, adaptation and decision making, applications and hardware, and other applications., This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, ICARIS 2005, held in Banff, Alberta, Canada, in August 2005. The 37 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on conceptual, formal, and theoretical frameworks, immunoinformatics, theoretical and experimental studies on artificial immune systems, and applications of artificial immune systems., Your immune system is unique. It is in many waysas complex as your brain, but itisnotcentredinonelocation, likethebrain.Itisnotasingleorgan itconsists ofmanydi'erentcelltypes, diversemethods ofintercellularcommunication, and many di'erent organs. Its functionality is blurred throughout you we can t extract the immune system, or point to where it begins and ends. The immune system is not separablefrom the system it protects. It has integrallinks to every organ of our bodies. Thishasradicalimplicationsforthe'eldofArti'cialImmuneSystems(AIS), that we are only now beginning to comprehend. One of the ?rst insights is that modelling the immune system, or developing any kind of immune algorithm, is di'cult. The immune system is one aspect of biology that we ?nd di'cult to apply simple reductionist explanations to. We can very successfully extract s- processes of the whole and create immune algorithms based on those processes. But we are always aware that we are missing the whole story. This is leading to more holistic views of immune algorithm development: theoretical analyses of how the sub-components contribute to the whole, and identi'cation of missing elements. Arti'cial immune systems are now beginning to incorporate ideas of innate as well as adaptive immunity, more complex intercellular communication mechanisms, endocrine and neural interfaces, concepts of tissue and broader ideas of organism and environment. SoperhapsthemostexcitingimplicationforthefutureofAISisthatthese- searchersareontheforefrontofunconventionalcomputing mergingthe bou- aries between biology and traditional computation to achieve new emergent, embodied and distributed processing capabilities."
9783540281757 3540281754 The two-volume set LNCS 3644 and LNCS 3645 constitute the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2005, held in Hefei, China, in August 2005.The program committee selected 215 carefully revised full papers for presentation in two volumes from over 2000 submissions, based on rigorous peer reviews. The first volume includes all the contributions related with perceptual and pattern recognition, informatics theories and applications computational neuroscience and bioscience, models and methods, and learning systems. The second volume collects the papers related with genomics and proteomics, adaptation and decision making, applications and hardware, and other applications., This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, ICARIS 2005, held in Banff, Alberta, Canada, in August 2005. The 37 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 68 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on conceptual, formal, and theoretical frameworks, immunoinformatics, theoretical and experimental studies on artificial immune systems, and applications of artificial immune systems., Your immune system is unique. It is in many waysas complex as your brain, but itisnotcentredinonelocation, likethebrain.Itisnotasingleorgan itconsists ofmanydi'erentcelltypes, diversemethods ofintercellularcommunication, and many di'erent organs. Its functionality is blurred throughout you we can t extract the immune system, or point to where it begins and ends. The immune system is not separablefrom the system it protects. It has integrallinks to every organ of our bodies. Thishasradicalimplicationsforthe'eldofArti'cialImmuneSystems(AIS), that we are only now beginning to comprehend. One of the ?rst insights is that modelling the immune system, or developing any kind of immune algorithm, is di'cult. The immune system is one aspect of biology that we ?nd di'cult to apply simple reductionist explanations to. We can very successfully extract s- processes of the whole and create immune algorithms based on those processes. But we are always aware that we are missing the whole story. This is leading to more holistic views of immune algorithm development: theoretical analyses of how the sub-components contribute to the whole, and identi'cation of missing elements. Arti'cial immune systems are now beginning to incorporate ideas of innate as well as adaptive immunity, more complex intercellular communication mechanisms, endocrine and neural interfaces, concepts of tissue and broader ideas of organism and environment. SoperhapsthemostexcitingimplicationforthefutureofAISisthatthese- searchersareontheforefrontofunconventionalcomputing mergingthe bou- aries between biology and traditional computation to achieve new emergent, embodied and distributed processing capabilities."